Musings on faith and life from an Alaska Lutheran pastor.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Last Day

Today is the last day of my sabbatical. That's it. It's done. Can't believe it. It went so fast.

As I think about the sabbatical, I think about page 56 in the old green (Lutheran Book of Worship hymnal). The confession is there, which we do every week, though often in a newer format. In our shared confession, we ask God's forgiveness for all that we have done and all that we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart, we say together, we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

All those things are true about this sabbatical. There are things that were done (many good) and things that were left undone. Some may need confession, some are just simple regrets. Though I've taken time most mornings to pray, I've still not loved God with my whole heart and I have not always loved my neighbor (or even my husband) as myself. It is a journey, you know.

But here we are and the time is done and it is what it is. There is some peace in that.

There are many things to say to reflect on these three months. There are many other blog posts to write, including books I've read and things I've learned. And there is much more to say about my grandmother's faith and life story. But Holy Week is about to start and it's time to go back to my people. I have missed you.

So, today I woke up late. Erik made breakfast and we sat around and read, talked and surfed the Internet. We went over to Eklutna Lake and cross country skied for a few hours. Then we went out to dinner at Sack's Cafe downtown. It was a warm night; everything is dripping with early spring melt.

At dinner tonight, Erik and I talked about the sabbatical. We talked about our favorite moments. We talked about what I learned and how I might take sabbath into my daily life as pastor. I worry sometimes about my ability to slow down and really make space. It's more of a process than an event, it seems, and one to be lived into.

So, blessed Holy Week, to you. Talk to you again soon.

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