Musings on faith and life from an Alaska Lutheran pastor.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Brevig Mission Day 2

We woke in Brevig this morning to a beautiful dark blue Bering Sea view and a cloudless sky. It's hard to know when it's day or night here, in this the extreme land of midnight sun.

Our team met at 10 AM to prep for Day 1 of VBS (Vacation Bible School). Today's theme was LOVE and the Bible story was the Prodigal Son. We write our own curriculum, by the way, to make it our own and because most VBS lesson plans are WAY too complicated for bush VBS :)

We divvied up tasks: made signs to hang around the village announcing VBS, set up crafs, practiced skit, prepared games and planned songs. Ethan was playing piano like mad just before 2 PM and the kids came like flies to honey.

It went pretty well, all things considered. Our theme is "God's family" this year, so we made name tags shaped like people and kids decorated them. They put stickers on attendance sheets and did some coloring. Next we sang songs (thanks Ethan). The kids are so funny: no praise songs here, folks. It's all about the old school hymns..."At the cross at the cross, where I first saw the light..." Of course we did Jesus loves me, too.

Next it was skit time, talking about the skit (main point: Jesus loves you, rock on) and then snack time. Then more coloring: we made murals on paper on the wall of our families.

Then Pastor Brian came and played songs on his guitar. The kids are fascinated with him. He's obviously earned respect here, very cool. He sang Jesus Loves me, Blind Man, We Love Because God First Loved Us and At the Cross (again!)

Then we played games outside: What time is it Mr. Fox and Elbow Tag. AND we played this relay with water. Basically, teams take a cup, race to a common water bucket, carry water to their team's containter and race back to tag the next runner. This was hilarious, because the kids LOVED this. My sister Lorna was a team captain and one of the little girls on her team got confused and was taking water OUT of the bucket and running back. HIlarious!

At 4:30, we collapsed. This is SO MUCH fun :)

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