Musings on faith and life from an Alaska Lutheran pastor.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hello world!

Welcome to Faith907.
Why faith? Because this is a place to share faith reflections, theological insights, creative ideas and meditations on being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Why 907? Because I live in Alaska...907 is the phone area code for the whole state. And our life of faith is always lived out in context. We are where we are.

I'm writing this blog as an extension of who I am and what I do. A few things to know:
* I'm a Lutheran (ELCA) pastor.
* I live in Anchorage, Alaska.
* I'm 29.
* My favorite cheese is Dubliner. And goat.

Here are a few things I believe:
* Humans are drawn to experiences of the divine. Pick any civilization. They worshipped something. Or lots of somethings.
* We didn't create this mystery. It just is. God (or whatever you call it) created our world and continues to breath life into us. God holds us in life and death.
* God makes promises and keeps them. God invites us into relationship.
* We can't do anything to make God love us more. We can't earn our way to anything holy. God reaches out first in love.
* Baptism is a way that we are claimed as God's child. We belong to God.
* God loves us. Really loves us. Just as we are.
* God wanted to show how to live. God broke into our world as a human. His name was Jesus.
* Jesus went to the fringes. He cared for the widow, orphan and stranger.
* Jesus offered us a new relationship. We celebrate this in a meal called Eucharist. It's a simple meal of bread and wine. We remember how much we are loved when we partake.
* God is with us each day. Everywhere. We'll notice this by keeping our eyes open.
* We can talk to God in prayer. Anytime.
* God communicates in all kinds of ways. Through the Bible, through prayer, through listening to our quiet intuition, through other people.

So stay tuned for more. I'll sent out semi-regular reflections on faith and life. Love to have you respond. We may just learn something together.

Also: if you live here too, you are welcome to join us for worship. Central Lutheran Church. 15th and Cordova. Thursday nights at 7:30 pm. Contemplative (Holden Evening Prayer). Eucharist. Quiet. Peace.

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