Musings on faith and life from an Alaska Lutheran pastor.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Four weddings and a funeral

Actually it was just one wedding but it always feels like more.

I did a wedding and a funeral last week, both for people I'd never met. This is a strange thing.

I was on-call for Alaska Native Lutheran Church, with whom we share this building. Pastor Karen Sonray was on vacation, as was my senior pastor Glenn, so it fell to me.

It feels good, actually, to be with people in life passages. It's one of my favorite things and I've heard other pastors remark similarly.

It's also odd to be in peoples' intimate spaces when you've never met them before. Much of the time before the events starts with introductions and trying to figure out who goes with who. The sermons aren't as good because they don't come out of genuine relationship. The time mingling afterward is a little awkward; I'm glad for my collar which makes it obvious to everyone why this unknown person is still floating around drinking punch.

So what's the point of this blog entry? Mostly just to say that now that I've been at Central for almost three years, I forget the pleasure of the networking and relationships I enjoy here. I take it for granted that I know stories, family connections, dreams, fears and disappointments. I don't know these when I put on the collar for another congregation.

So to the folks from Central who read this: we know each other. We have walked through challenges and good times. Some of you have known each other for decades. Decades! I'm thankful for our sister and brotherhood in's very, very good.

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