Musings on faith and life from an Alaska Lutheran pastor.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Back to blogging

Dearest friends in Blogland-

If you're still out there, I'm back to blog some more. I somehow got bogged down with life. Since I last blogged, I've...

* Spent a whirlwind week in Iowa over Wartburg Homecoming (my alma mater) and saw bunches of family members. Also met my sister's boyfriend, watched the homecoming parade and generally just enjoyed being with my sister, who is a senior at W'burg.

* Lost my grandfather on Halloween. He was 90.

* Voted absentee (bummer, but at least my vote counted eventually)

* Went back to Iowa for another week for Grandpa's wake (election day) and funeral (nov. 5) Also should mention I watched election returns at a dive bar called Poor Dick's in New Hampton, Iowa, with my cousins. We drank pitchers of Miller Lite (the horror) and watched election returns on an impossibly small TV. Let me just say most of my cousins did not vote for the candidate I did. Oh well. Anyway, the next night they all wanted to eat dinner at the bowling alley (the food's real good, they said, but thankfully we went to a bar/grille instead. You guessed it. Miller Time.)

* Preached some sermons, visited some sick parishioners, tried to manage some anxiety about Central's budget without getting anxious myself (didn't work)

* Taught yoga, ran a lot, skied once.

So what's new with you?


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