Musings on faith and life from an Alaska Lutheran pastor.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Empty is good

In our 9:45 sermon series, we're doing a 5-week ponder on simplicity. Wanted to share a bit from last Sunday (Feb. 4) with you all.

We talked about simplicity and time. Do we love or hate free time? Is it energizing or boring? Relaxing or scary? Depends, it seems, on the situation and time in our lives.

Generally, our fast-paced McLifestyle discourages spaciousness of time. I'd like that burger and fries yesterday, please. (If I ate meat, that is). I digress. We're compulsively multi-tasking to fill time. Check out what else you do while you eat, drive or watch TV. I have changed an entire set of clothing and put on make up while driving. This is NOT something on which I should boast!

So in a culture that says you should be (over)filled and fulfilled and satisfied. But that's not real. And that's okay.

Why, you ask? Why would I want space, longing, emptiness?

It's part of being human, that's why. We are created with a certain longing, restlesness, desire. We are not meant to be completely fulfilled by the things of the world. We are meant to be filled by God. We are made to grow, to become. We are hard-wired for hope.

What do you think? Is there value in emptiness? Is there value in entering your own emptiness? What happens when you stop and think? What happens when you stop and notice God? What is that like?


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